Mythical True Crime
Join us as we delve into the mysterious and the macabre, exploring captivating tales of true crime, legends, and unsolved mysteries from the realms of mythology and reality. Uncover the dark true tales of modern legends with our spoken narratives that blend history, crime, and the supernatural.... The Mythical True Crime podcast is now part the Darkcast Network of Indie podcast creators!
Artwork and music royalty free, music credit: Labyrinth of Lost Dreams by Darren Curtis (Edited) https://www.darrencurtismusic.com/Music promoted on https://www.chosic.com/ free-music/all/Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported(CC BY 3.0)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
Mythical True Crime
Mythical True Crime Christmas Special
Seasons Greetings! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. This is the last episode for 2023, but we will be back and bigger than ever in 2024. Something special for you all tonight, 2 true crime stories that took place around Christmas Day, and be sure to stay near the end, a have a special present for all you listeners!
Twitter: @MythcalTruCrime
Instagram: @MythicalTrueCrime